Last updated on 2024-11-03 15:48:42 CET.
Flavor | Version | Tinstall | Tcheck | Ttotal | Status | Flags |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang | 0.1 | 5.00 | 91.57 | 96.57 | OK | |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc | 0.1 | 0.31 | 1.53 | 1.84 | ERROR | |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang | 0.1 | 155.66 | OK | |||
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc | 0.1 | 170.71 | OK | |||
r-devel-windows-x86_64 | 0.1 | 8.00 | 138.00 | 146.00 | OK | |
r-patched-linux-x86_64 | 0.1 | 4.84 | 86.82 | 91.66 | OK | |
r-release-linux-x86_64 | 0.1 | 4.56 | 46.12 | 50.68 | ERROR | |
r-release-macos-arm64 | 0.1 | 53.00 | OK | |||
r-release-macos-x86_64 | 0.1 | 83.00 | OK | |||
r-release-windows-x86_64 | 0.1 | 7.00 | 137.00 | 144.00 | OK | |
r-oldrel-macos-arm64 | 0.1 | 71.00 | OK | |||
r-oldrel-macos-x86_64 | 0.1 | 113.00 | OK | |||
r-oldrel-windows-x86_64 | 0.1 | 8.00 | 148.00 | 156.00 | OK |
Version: 0.1
Check: whether package can be installed
Result: ERROR
Installation failed.
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc
Version: 0.1
Check: package dependencies
Result: NOTE
Packages suggested but not available for checking:
'dbscan', 'ggrepel', 'plyr', 'reshape2'
Flavor: r-release-linux-x86_64
Version: 0.1
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
Running examples in ‘opticskxi-Ex.R’ failed
The error most likely occurred in:
> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
> ### Name: fortify_ica
> ### Title: Get and fortify ICA
> ### Aliases: fortify_ica
> ### ** Examples
> df_ica <- fortify_ica(iris[-5], n.comp = 2)
Error in loadNamespace(x) : there is no package called ‘plyr’
Calls: fortify_ica ... loadNamespace -> withRestarts -> withOneRestart -> doWithOneRestart
Execution halted
Flavor: r-release-linux-x86_64
Version: 0.1
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
Running ‘testthat.R’ [2s/3s]
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Complete output:
> library(testthat)
> library(opticskxi)
> test_check("opticskxi")
[ FAIL 5 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 1 ]
══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
── Error ('test-dimred.R:9:1'): fortify_dimred ─────────────────────────────────
Error in `loadNamespace(x)`: there is no package called 'plyr'
1. ├─opticskxi (local) test_fortify_dimred()
2. │ ├─testthat::expect_is(fortify_dimred(pca$x, pca$rotation), "data.frame") at test-dimred.R:7:3
3. │ │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object")
4. │ │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo))
5. │ └─opticskxi::fortify_dimred(pca$x, pca$rotation)
6. │ └─df_dimred %<>% plyr::rbind.fill(df_vars)
7. └─base::loadNamespace(x)
8. └─base::withRestarts(stop(cond), retry_loadNamespace = function() NULL)
9. └─base (local) withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1L]])
10. └─base (local) doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart)
── Error ('test-dimred.R:14:1'): fortify_pca ───────────────────────────────────
Error in `loadNamespace(x)`: there is no package called 'plyr'
1. ├─opticskxi (local) test_fortify_pca()
2. │ ├─testthat::expect_is(fortify_pca(iris[-5]), "data.frame") at test-dimred.R:12:3
3. │ │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object")
4. │ │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo))
5. │ └─opticskxi::fortify_pca(iris[-5])
6. │ └─stats::prcomp(m_data, ...) %$% ...
7. ├─base::with(...)
8. ├─base::with.default(...)
9. │ └─base::eval(substitute(expr), data, enclos = parent.frame())
10. │ └─base::eval(substitute(expr), data, enclos = parent.frame())
11. │ └─opticskxi::fortify_dimred(...)
12. │ └─df_dimred %<>% plyr::rbind.fill(df_vars)
13. └─base::loadNamespace(x)
14. └─base::withRestarts(stop(cond), retry_loadNamespace = function() NULL)
15. └─base (local) withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1L]])
16. └─base (local) doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart)
── Error ('test-dimred.R:19:1'): fortify_ica ───────────────────────────────────
Error in `loadNamespace(x)`: there is no package called 'plyr'
1. ├─opticskxi (local) test_fortify_ica()
2. │ ├─testthat::expect_is(fortify_ica(iris[-5], 3), "data.frame") at test-dimred.R:17:3
3. │ │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object")
4. │ │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo))
5. │ └─opticskxi::fortify_ica(iris[-5], 3)
6. │ └─... %>% fortify_dimred(ica$S, ., sup_vars = sup_vars)
7. ├─opticskxi::fortify_dimred(ica$S, ., sup_vars = sup_vars)
8. │ └─df_dimred %<>% plyr::rbind.fill(df_vars)
9. └─base::loadNamespace(x)
10. └─base::withRestarts(stop(cond), retry_loadNamespace = function() NULL)
11. └─base (local) withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1L]])
12. └─base (local) doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart)
── Error ('test-optics_plots.R:4:1'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ──────
Error in `loadNamespace(x)`: there is no package called 'plyr'
1. ├─opticskxi::fortify_pca(iris_scaled) at test-optics_plots.R:4:1
2. │ └─stats::prcomp(m_data, ...) %$% ...
3. ├─base::with(...)
4. ├─base::with.default(...)
5. │ └─base::eval(substitute(expr), data, enclos = parent.frame())
6. │ └─base::eval(substitute(expr), data, enclos = parent.frame())
7. │ └─opticskxi::fortify_dimred(...)
8. │ └─df_dimred %<>% plyr::rbind.fill(df_vars)
9. └─base::loadNamespace(x)
10. └─base::withRestarts(stop(cond), retry_loadNamespace = function() NULL)
11. └─base (local) withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1L]])
12. └─base (local) doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart)
── Error ('test-opticskxi.R:5:1'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ─────────
Error in `loadNamespace(x)`: there is no package called 'dbscan'
1. ├─opticskxi::opticskxi_pipeline(scale(iris[-5]), params) at test-opticskxi.R:5:1
2. │ └─df_params %<>% ...
3. ├─opticskxi:::derive_column(...)
4. │ └─parallel::mclapply(...)
5. │ └─base::lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...)
6. │ └─opticskxi (local) FUN(X[[i]], ...)
7. │ └─, as.list(stats::setNames(params, param_names)))
8. └─base::loadNamespace(x)
9. └─base::withRestarts(stop(cond), retry_loadNamespace = function() NULL)
10. └─base (local) withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1L]])
11. └─base (local) doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart)
[ FAIL 5 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 1 ]
Error: Test failures
Execution halted
Flavor: r-release-linux-x86_64
Version: 0.1
Check: re-building of vignette outputs
Result: ERROR
Error(s) in re-building vignettes:
--- re-building ‘opticskxi.Rnw’ using Sweave
Error: processing vignette 'opticskxi.Rnw' failed with diagnostics:
chunk 2 (label = shape_ds3)
Error in loadNamespace(x) : there is no package called 'dbscan'
--- failed re-building 'opticskxi.Rnw'
SUMMARY: processing the following file failed:
Error: Vignette re-building failed.
Execution halted
Flavor: r-release-linux-x86_64