PortalHacienda 0.1.7
- Minor fixes to remove notes
- Set LazyData = FALSE
- updated badge link
- replaced class test with inherits
PortalHacienda 0.1.6
- Fixed server time-out returned error message
PortalHacienda 0.1.5
- Dropped readr from Imports (not needed after moving from
download.file to GET)
- Dropped download.file from NAMESPACE
- Added Tutorial Vignette
PortalHacienda 0.1.4
- Improved error handling (internet connection is now correctly
- Search_online now uses ‘httr::GET’ instead of ‘download.file’
PortalHacienda 0.1.3
- Updated timetk::tk_make_future_timeseries parameter, from n_future
to length_out (timetk 2.0)
- Translated error messages to English
PortalHacienda 0.1.2
- Fixed missing links returned by examples
PortalHacienda 0.1.1
- Fixed examples to meet <5 sec requirement
PortalHacienda 0.1.0
- Subido a CRAN
- Funcionamiento básico