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{PrettyCols} is an R package containing aesthetically pleasing colour palettes.

The structure of the package is based on code from the {PNWColors}, {wesanderson}, and {MetBrewer} packages.


{PrettyCols} is available on CRAN. Install using:


or install the development version from GitHub:


See nrennie.rbind.io/PrettyCols for full documentation.

If you have a suggestion of an additional feature, or find a bug, please file an issue on the GitHub repository.

A Python implementation of this package can be found at github.com/nrennie/PrettyPyCols.

Contributor guidelines

If you’d like to contribute to {ggflowchart}, I’d welcome your help. If you’re making a PR, please follow the guidelines below, to make the collaboration easier:

If these checks fail, and there is no response from the PR author for 1 month, the PR will be automatically closed.