
Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #340 - Add mesh generator function.

Minor Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix #337 - Fix typo in hai_earth_data_prepper() that caused it to not fully process. 0.0.13

Breaking Changes

  1. Fix #326 - Require R >= 3.3

New Features


Minor Fixes and Improvements

None 0.0.12

Breaking Changes


New Features


Minor Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix #319 - Fix the .name_repair error stemming from the hai_umap_list() hai_umap_list() / umap_list() function. (@VladPerervenko) 0.0.11

Breaking Changes


New Features


Minor Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix #312 - Fix a typo in hai_kmeans_automl() that caused the function to fail before any modeling even occurred. 0.0.10

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #303 - Export data processing functions to be exposed as function insted of internally only. This means you no longer need to use to access the functions.

Minor Fixes and Improvements

1, Fix #306 - Fix failing custom recipe steps due to type checks 0.0.9

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #286 - Add function hai_umap_list() and alias umap_list() this helps users who transition from the healthyR functionality of the same name, while also creating distinct functionality related to
  2. Fix #287 - Add function hai_umap_plot() and alias umap_plt() this helps the same as Fix #286.

Minor Fixes and Improvments

  1. Fix #289 - Add the uwot package to the DESCRIPTION file in order to make umap_ functions.
  2. Fix #288 - Alias all kmeans hai functions to mirror healthyR for api compatability.
  3. Fix #290 - Add kmeans-umap vignette. 0.0.8

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #219 - Add functions color_blind() hai_scale_color_colorblind() and hai_scale_fill_colorblind()
  2. Fix #227 - Add function hai_auto_wflw_metrics()
  3. Fix #243 - Add boilerplate functions for C5.0 hai_c50_data_prepper() and hai_auto_c50()
  4. Fix #246 - Add boilerplate functions for glmnet hai_glmnet_data_prepper() and hai_auto_glmnet()
  5. Fix #249 - Add boilerplate functions for cubist hai_cubist_data_prepper() and hai_auto_cubist()
  6. Fix #256 - Add boilerplate functions for Earth hai_earth_data_prepper() and hai_auto_earth()
  7. Fix #259 - Add boilerplate functions for Kernlab hai_svm_poly_data_prepper() and hai_auto_svm_poly()
  8. Fix #265 - Add boilerplate functions for Kernlab hai_svm_rbf_data_prepper() and hai_auto_svm_rbf()
  9. Fix #269 - Add boilerplate functions for ranger hai_ranger_data_prepper() and hai_auto_ranger()
  10. Fix #274 - Add boilerplate functions for xgboost hai_xgboost_data_prepper() and hai_auto_xgboost()

Minor Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix #240 - Add parameter arguments as attributes to list output for boilerplate functions.
  2. Fix #273 - We fixed a bug 🐛 in step_hyperbolic() in tidymodels/recipes#932 and this PR updates to reflect that fix. Thank you @juliasilge 0.0.7

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #209 - Add function hai_skewed_features()
  2. Fix #210 - Export current internal functions.
  3. Fix #206 - Add functions hai_scale_zscore_vec() and hai_scale_zscore_augment() and add step_hai_scale_zscore()
  4. Fix #207 - Add function hai_knn_data_prepper()
  5. Fix #220 - Add function hai_default_regression_metric_set()
  6. Fix #222 - Add function hai_default_classification_metric_set()
  7. Fix #205 and #223 - Add function hai_auto_knn()

Minor Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix #208 - Enhance hai_histogram_facet_plot() It now returns a list output invisible while printing the plot out. The list includes the original data and the factored data along with the plot. There has been a parameter addition of .scale_data which is set to FALSE and uses hai_scale_zero_one_vec() to do the work.
  2. Fix #221 - Add yardstick (>= 0.0.8) to DESCRIPTION file.

Breaking Changes

None 0.0.6

New Features

  1. Fix #132 - Add functions:
  1. Fix #133 - Add function hai_distribution_comparison_tbl()
  2. Fix #138 - Add function hai_get_dist_data_tbl()
  3. Fix #140 - Add function hai_get_density_data_tbl()
  4. Fix #146 - Add function hai_density_plot()
  5. Fix #141 - Add function hai_density_qq_plot()
  6. Fix #139 - Add function hai_density_hist_plot()
  7. Fix #56 - Add function hai_histogram_facet_plot()
  8. Fix #178 - Add loadings plots to pca_your_recipe() output. Added a parameter of .top_n to get how many vairable loadings you want returned.

Minor Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fix #180 - Move cli and crayon to Imports from Suggest due to pillar not importing anymore.
  2. Fix #182 - Drop need for cli, crayon, and rstudioapi
  3. Fix #187 - Update step print methods as described by the tidymodels team.

Breaking Changes

None 0.0.5

New Features

  1. Fix #118 - Add functions:
  1. Fix #119 - Add function: hai_range_statistic()

Minor Fixes and Improvements

None 0.0.4

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #108 - Add functions:
  1. Fix #107 - Add functions:

Minor Fixes and Improvements

None 0.0.3

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #61 - Add internal function hai_data_scale()
  2. Fix #63 - Add internal function hai_data_impute()
  3. Fix #58 - Add internal function hai_data_trig(), Exported Func step_hai_hyperbolic()
  4. Fix #68 - Add hai_hyperbolic_vec() function.
  5. Fix #70 - Add hai_hyperbolic_augment() function.
  6. Fix #75 - Add hai_fourier_vec(),hai_fourier_augment(),step_hai_fourier() functions.
  7. Fix #89 - Add hai_fourier_discrete_vec(), hai_fourier_discrete_augment(), step_hai_fourier_discrete()
  8. Fix #57 - Add hai_polynomial_augment()
  9. Fix #60 - Add internal function hai_data_transform()
  10. Fix #93 - Add internal function hai_data_poly()

Minor Fixes and Improvments

  1. Fix #81 - Add process to register s3 methods to work with tune objects. 0.0.2

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #22 - Add functions:
  1. Fix #29 - Add function pca_your_recipe()
  2. Fix #32 - Add function hai_kmeans_automl()
  3. Fix #49 - Add function hai_kmeans_automl_predict()

Minor Fixes and Improvements

None 0.0.1

Breaking Changes


New Features

  1. Fix #9 - Add function hai_control_chart

Minor Fixes and Improvments
