This NEWS file mainly serves as a changelog file, i.e. a list of new features / bugfixes by version number.
Versions uploaded to CRAN are marked with [CRAN].
[CRAN] version 0.5.4 (2024/04/15)
- more robust handling of faulty internet connection when retrieving the latest PSI-MS CV
[CRAN] version 0.5.3 (2023/08/24)
- some convenience functions to create an mzQC document, e.g. ‘localFileToURI()’
[CRAN] version 0.5.2 (2023/08/05)
- Loads the PSI-MS CV only when required (not when the package is loaded, but only when running certain functions which depend on the CV).
- Some documentation fixes (mostly CV related)
[CRAN] version 0.5.1 (2023/07/10)
- fixes a bug in 0.5.0 when internet connection is missing
[CRAN] version 0.5.0 (2023/07/04)
- support the latest PSI-MS controlled vocabulary (via automatic download)
[CRAN] version 0.4.2 (2023/04/23)
- bugfix release (CV_ member not found when rmzqc is not attached)
[CRAN] version 0.4.1 (2023/04/11)
- Feature: support validation of mzQC files (via validateFrom…() functions, see Vignettes)
version 0.3.0 (2022/10/11)
- Feature: support reading mzQC files (via readMZQC(), see Vignettes)
version 0.2.2 (2022/08/21)
- Fix: make the CV singleton object available outside the package (via ‘getCVSingleton()’)
version 0.2.1 (2022/09/28)
version 0.2.0 (2022/09/26)
- Add jupyter notebook with links to Google Colab
- Add a pkgdown website
- Update documentation
[CRAN] version 0.1.0 (2022/08/18)
- initial release (core mzQC data structures; writing mzQC JSON; tests)
- Versions uploaded to CRAN are marked with [CRAN].